Descubre nuestra amplia gama de pinturas modelismo, diseñadas especialmente para satisfacer las necesidades de los apasionados constructores de maquetas y figuras.
Nuestras pinturas para modelismo te ofrecen una calidad excepcional y una variedad de colores que te permitirán dar vida a tus proyectos con precisión y realismo.
Ya sea que estés construyendo maquetas de aviones, tanques, barcos o figuras de cualquier tipo, nuestras pinturas están formuladas para adherirse de manera óptima a diferentes superficies, como plástico, metal y resina, asegurando un acabado duradero y profesional.
En nuestro catálogo, encontrarás marcas de renombre en el mundo del modelismo, cada una con su propia gama de pinturas altamente pigmentadas y de secado rápido. Con opciones que van desde pinturas acrílicas hasta esmaltes y lacas, podrás elegir la que mejor se adapte a tu estilo de trabajo y preferencias.
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Set of 4 acrylics to quickly and easily create modulation and light effects on any Panzer Gray vehicle This simplified set includes the colors really needed for this technique saving...
Superfine pigment for modeling. 35 ml bottle. High quality pigment, superfine and made with natural products for exclusive use in modeling. This color is specially designed to make effects on...