Rail center es la nueva gama de pinturas acrílicas para decoración de material ferroviario a escala. Set de colores acrílicos, 6 x 17ml Exclusiva de AMMO. La gama de pinturas...
Rail center es la nueva gama de pinturas acrílicas para decoración de material ferroviario a escala. Set de colores acrílicos, 6 x 17ml Exclusiva de AMMO. La gama de pinturas...
Rail center es la nueva gama de pinturas acrílicas para decoración de material ferroviario a escala. Set de colores acrílicos, 6 x 17ml Exclusiva de AMMO. La gama de pinturas...
Pinturas acrílicas de alta calidad diseñadas para hacer más sencilla la decoración de nuestras miniaturas En este pack encontrarás 6 colores complementarios, imprescindibles para poder obtener casi cualquier tonalidad. Se...
Este pack incluye los 4 colores necesarios para pintar el uniforme empleado por el famoso 8º Ejército o el mítico SAS británico en la campaña del Norte de África durante...
The definitive primer that covers in a single layer in black. Formulated for all types of surfaces, soluble in water, with high gripping power for resins and photoengravings. Bottles of...
The definitive primer that covers in a single layer in black. Formulated for all types of surfaces, soluble in water, with high gripping power for resins and photoengravings. Bottles of...
The definitive primer that covers in a single layer in black. Formulated for all types of surfaces, soluble in water, with high gripping power for resins and photoengravings. Bottles of...
The definitive primer that covers in a single layer in black. Formulated for all types of surfaces, soluble in water, with high gripping power for resins and photoengravings. Bottles of...
The definitive primer that covers in a single layer in black. Formulated for all types of surfaces, soluble in water, with high gripping power for resins and photoengravings. Bottles of...
The definitive primer that covers in a single layer in black. Formulated for all types of surfaces, soluble in water, with high gripping power for resins and photoengravings. Bottles of...
The definitive primer that covers in a single layer in black. Formulated for all types of surfaces, soluble in water, with high gripping power for resins and photoengravings. Bottles of...